While regular aerobic activity is important for everyone's health and well-being, far too many people make the critical mistake of assuming that painful and intense workouts are the most productive way to exercise. exercise.

The surprising fact is that moderate exercise - the best example being walking - can be an even more effective way to exercise, especially if you need to lower your blood pressure, and certainly if you are just starting your conditioning program. physical.

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Before starting a new fitness program, especially if you have not exercised for a while or have any health concerns, you should always consult your doctor first. Your doctor may even suggest that you change some of your lifestyle habits, such as your diet or medications, in addition to starting an exercise program.

Prior medical approval is especially important because certain activities can raise your blood pressure to potentially dangerous levels. Recent research shows that vigorous exercise in unfit people can actually be harmful and should be avoided unless exercise tolerance has been developed over a reasonable period of time.

On the other hand, many studies have shown that people who exercise moderately and regularly are more likely to have blood pressure within healthy ranges.

Different types of exercise obviously depend on your level of fitness, but cycling, walking, swimming are great choices for starting a fitness program. For each of these options, you can easily monitor your level of work and progress to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range during activity and possibly lower your blood pressure while resting.

Progress is essential to the success of your fitness program. Start slowly so that your body has time to adjust and adapt. Remember, one of the biggest reasons people give up and drop out of new fitness programs after just a few weeks is because they're trying to work too hard, too soon.

If you decide to start a walking program, for example, start slowly by walking two or at most three times a week for ten to fifteen minutes at a time at a leisurely pace. Gradually increase your pace or time each week. After a few months, you can also increase the number of weekly sessions.

If you decide to join a fitness club, you should start with a trained personal fitness professional who will take into account all medical history and help you design a suitable fitness program.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure leads to many medical problems such as stroke, coronary heart disease, and kidney disease, so it is essential that you do whatever you can to control your blood pressure. Gradual progression is the key to keeping your blood pressure under control, maintaining your weight loss, avoiding injury, and ensuring long-term success.