We all want to feel loved, open, free and peaceful.We all want to let go of the "worlds" ideals and expectations and simply be quiet. What if you had permission to be something your heart wanted you to be? What if there was no right or wrong way to do yoga poses, just simply in YOUR way. The way that feels good for your body, mind and soul. It's yoga for me.
There is a butter table of yoga brands all around us. Each has its own fancy expression or cool yoga equipment. It is boring to watch yoga magazines or videos with the same types of bodies that represent yoga. This sends a message to the world that yoga is about looking a certain way. Instead of getting lost in the confusion, I chose to start really looking at my responsibilities in this. Most of my clients share with me that they do not feel safe going to a yoga studio. First, they do not look like a yogi, two they may not make the poses "perfect", and finally, they do not know where to start. So many labels to choose from, so little time!
This is a common experience with the people I teach or know. It is extremely challenging to go to the studio and relax when you immediately need to have your legs in the lotus position. How uncomfortable is that? Yikes. Or you are so busy doing power yoga that you forgot to breathe or relax and you feel sore when you leave the studio.Having experienced myself as uncomfortable both as a student and as a teacher, I feel it is my duty to spread some of my truth.
There is no label or box to fit yoga in.When I first started teaching yoga, I felt like I needed to “be” in a certain way. Speak in a particularly soft tone, and know all the correct terminology. I have realized that it is the opposite. The more authentic I am, which means allowing myself to be Jenny, giggling, hugging, singing, sharing, being as transparent as possible, giving the student permission to choose to do the same.
Yes, postures are a part of yoga and they work wonders for your body! But yoga is not about the positions or how long we can balance. The body listens when given the opportunity to connect with your true self, and not edit what comes out.
Release the need to force your body into positions that hurt, and allow yourself to explore what feels good. Doing your yoga practice, like life, is all about you.
Instead of wishing the world changed their box on what yoga should be, I decided to create and be the difference. Learn yoga from my heart and let it guide every class. When I share with my students that it's perfect to be exactly who they are, my eyes pop up. It feels good to share what I have been longing for in a yoga class.